
Well is an object that is responsible for well head coordinates, kelly bushing and manages deviations and log curves.

Create Well

We define well head coordinates, kelly bushing and uwi:

#include <iostream>
#include <h5geo/h5wellcontainer.h>
#include <h5geo/h5well.h>
#include <h5geo/h5devcurve.h>
#include <h5geo/h5logcurve.h>

int main(){
   std::string fileName = "wells.h5";
   H5WellCnt_ptr cnt(h5geo::createWellContainerByName(
      fileName, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
   if (!cnt){
      std::cout << "Unable to open or create well container" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   H5WellParam p;
   p.headX = 444363;
   p.headY = 7425880;
   p.kb = 50.88;
   p.uwi = "my_uwi";
   p.lengthUnits = "meter";

   std::string wellName = "myWell";
   H5Well_ptr well(cnt->createWell(
      wellName, p, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
   if (!well){
      std::cout << "Unable to open or create well" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   return 0;

Open well by uwi

The straight forward way to open well is by its name. Another way is by uwi (slower but useful):

H5Well_ptr wellByUwi(cnt->openWellByUWI("my_uwi"));
if (!wellByUwi || !well->isEqual(wellByUwi.get())){
   std::cout << "Unable to open well by UWI" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Create Dev Curve

Dev curve is responsible for trajectory storing and transformations using minimum curvature method implemented in h5deviation.h5.

H5DevCurveParam p_devCurve;
p_devCurve.lengthUnits = "meter";
p_devCurve.temporalUnits = "millisecond";
p_devCurve.angularUnits = "degree";

std::string devCurveName = "myDevCurve";
H5DevCurve_ptr devCurve(
      devCurveName, p_devCurve, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
if (!devCurve){
   std::cout << "Unable to open or create dev curve" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Write/Read Dev Curve

H5DevCurve stores the following curves: MD,AZIM,INCL,DX,DY,TVD,OWT. All other curves are calculated based on these curves. That is done to prevent calculation errors i.e. everytime MD_AZIM_INCL is transformed to X_Y_TVD an error is accumulating. The same concerns when doing that in backward order: X_Y_TVD to MD_AZIM_INCL.

Eigen::VectorXd dx(3), dy(3), tvd(3);
dx << 0, 3, 5;
dy << 0, 0.3, 0.5;
tvd << 0, 1, 2;
if (!devCurve->writeDX(dx, "m") ||
    !devCurve->writeDY(dy, "m") ||
    !devCurve->writeTVD(tvd, "m")){
   std::cout << "Unable to write DX, DY, TVD" << std::endl;
   return -1;

// update is needed to calculate MD, AZIM, INCL based on DX, DY, TVD

To get back data:

Eigen::VectorXd tvdss_out = devCurve->getCurve("TVDSS", "km");
if (tvdss_out.size() < 1){
   std::cout << "Unable to get TVDSS" << std::endl;
   return -1;

H5Well also provides API to work with active deviation. To set current deviation to be active:

if (!well->setActiveDevCurve(devCurve.get())){
   std::cout << "Unable to set active dev curve" << std::endl;
   return -1;

// or simply: devCurve->setActive();

To check is dev curve is active use H5DevCurve::isActive().


Active dev curve is simply soft link to the real dev curve within HDF5 file.

Create Log Curve

Log curve is represented by [N, 2] matrix. The first column is MD and the second is VAL (value).

H5LogCurveParam p_logCurve;
p_logCurve.lengthUnits = "meter";
p_logCurve.dataUnits = "kg/m2";

std::string logCurveName = "myLogCurve";
H5LogCurve_ptr logCurve(
      logCurveName, p_logCurve, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
if (!logCurve){
   std::cout << "Unable to open or create log curve" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Write/Read Log Curve

Write MD and VAL:

Eigen::VectorXd md(3), vals(3);
md << 0, 3, 5;
vals << 500, 700, 800;
if (!logCurve->writeCurve(h5geo::LogDataType::MD, md) ||
    !logCurve->writeCurve(h5geo::LogDataType::VAL, vals)){
   std::cout << "Unable to write MD and VALS" << std::endl;
   return -1;

And to read data:

Eigen::VectorXd md_out = logCurve->getCurve(h5geo::LogDataType::MD, "cm");
if (md_out.size() < 1){
   std::cout << "Unable to get MD" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Eigen::VectorXd vals_out = logCurve->getCurve("VAL", "g/cm2");
if (vals_out.size() < 1){
   std::cout << "Unable to get VAL" << std::endl;
   return -1;