API & Basic Usage


h5geo follows interface strategy. That means API is exposed through implementation classes (suffixed with Impl). Also there is no public constructors. To instantiate a class one needs to use factory function.

The most basic class is H5Base. It can’t be instantiated explicitely.

The classes H5BaseContainer and H5BaseObject are direct successors of H5Base. The main difference between them is that H5BaseContainer is built around h5gt::File while H5BaseObject explores h5gt::Group. Thus container (HDF5 file) may store many geo-objects (HDF5 objects).

Next in the hierarchy follows more specific classes: H5SeisContainer/H5Seis, H5MapContainer/H5Map, H5WellContainer/H5Well, H5DevCurve, H5LogCurve, H5BasePoints, H5Points1 etc.


A designated container may store only appropriated geo-objects. In that sense you can’t store H5Map in H5SeisContaner for example. But as you can see there is no container for H5Points. That means you are free to create and store points in any container.


h5geo works with column-major Eigen matrices only (the default Eigen storage order)!



To create a container one should use one the following factory functions:

H5BaseContainer* createContainer(
   h5gt::File h5File, h5geo::ContainerType cntType, h5geo::CreationType createFlag);

H5BaseContainer* createContainerByName(
   std::string& fileName, h5geo::ContainerType cntType, h5geo::CreationType createFlag);

Using dynamic_cast<> one is able to cast returned container to the one defined with h5geo::ContainerType argument.


There are helper functions to create specific containers: h5geo::createMapContainer, h5geo::createMapContainerByName that implicitely cast returned type to H5Map (most of geo-objects have such functions).

And to open a container:

H5BaseContainer* openContainer(
   h5gt::File h5File);

H5BaseContainer* openContainerByName(
   const std::string& fileName);


As when creating object you may want to use helper functions like: h5geo::openMapContainer, h5geo::openMapContainerByName that implicitely cast returned type to H5Map (most of geo-objects have such functions).


All geo-objects are represented by h5gt::Group with assotiated and nested DataSets, Groups and Attributes.

To create a geo-object one must have an instance of an appropriate container (or parent geo-object: for example H5DevCurve and H5LogCurve have H5Well as parent). Thus to create H5Well one must have instance of H5WellContainer and use one of the following method:

H5Well* H5WellContainer::createWell(
   std::string& name,
   WellParam& p,
   h5geo::CreationType createFlag)

H5Well* H5WellContainer::createWell(
   h5gt::Group group,
   WellParam& p,
   h5geo::CreationType createFlag)

WellParam inherites BaseObjectParam and defines parameters like: spatial reference, length/temporal/angular/data units, null value, uwi, kelly bushing and well head coordinates.


Most geo-objects may be created/opened with name or h5gt::Group object.

To open a geo-object one may use parent object instance:

H5Well* H5WellContainer::openWell(
   const std::string& name);
H5Well* H5WellContainer::openWell(
   h5gt::Group group);


There are helper functions to open them without having parent object: h5geo::openWell, h5geo::openWellByName

Or more generally (use it in pair with dynamic_cast<>): h5geo::openObject, h5geo::openObjectByName


Currently only unique pointers are provided. They are named in the following manner: H5WellCnt_ptr and H5Well_ptr.

The preffered way to create objects:

#include <iostream>
#include <h5geo/h5wellcontainer.h>
#include <h5geo/h5well.h>

int main(){
   std::string fileName = "wells.h5";
   H5WellCnt_ptr wellCnt(h5geo::createWellContainerByName(
      fileName, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));

   if (!wellCnt){
      std::cout << "Unable to open or create well container" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   WellParam p;
   p.headX = 444363;
   p.headY = 7425880;
   p.kb = 50.88;
   p.uwi = "my_uwi";
   p.lengthUnits = "meter";

   std::string wellName = "myWell";
   H5Well_ptr well(wellCnt->createWell(
      wellName, p, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
   if (!well){
      std::cout << "Unable to open or create well" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   return 0;

units & spatial reference


All geo objects have spatial reference and length/temporal/angular/data units. Not all them may be used by geo-object but the idea is: a geo-object must match to the units.

That means if for example H5Well has length units meter then all length units must be given in meters (header coordinates as well as kelly bushing for example). The same also concerns temporal, angular and data units.

Data units is units of Z-axis of H5Map object for example. Or units of H5Seis traces (maybe psi in case of marine seismic).

Every geo-object provides API to automatically convert units. For example when writing data to H5Map one is free to specify the data units that the data currently is in: bool H5Map::writeData(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> M, "m")

The data will be converted from m to H5Map::getDataUnits.

And one needs to get data in some units: Eigen::MatrixXd H5Map::getData("cm")

Then the conversion is done in reverse order: from H5Map::getDataUnits to cm.


No conversion is done if no units were specified.

Sometimes it is impossible to predict what units are going to be used. For example when working with seismic trace headers the API provides two arguments: unitsFrom and unitsTo. The conversion is done in direct order: unitsFrom will be converted to unitsTo.

One can check if the units are convertable through the web-service.

spatial reference

Spatial reference is given from PROJ-install/share/proj/proj.db. In projected_crs table find auth_name and code columns. Usually the spatial reference is shaped as: auth_name:code.

An example: EPSG:32056.

Basically OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput function is used to create spatial reference object.

If you work with many objects that belong to different spatial reference you may want to set a spatial reference for the session and pass doCoordTransform as true when writing/getting the data. Take a look at h5core_sr_settings.h.