
Seis is an object that is composed of several datasets and groups: traces are separated from trace headers. Trace headers are kept on double format while trace data is float. Seis is designed to provide high perfomance while keeping simple API.

Create Seis

Seismic parameters includes: survey type (2D or 3D), data type (stack or prestack), number of traces, number of samples etc:

#include <iostream>
#include <h5geo/h5seiscontainer.h>
#include <h5geo/h5seis.h>

int main(){
   std::string fileName = "seis.h5";
   H5SeisCnt_ptr cnt(h5geo::createSeisContainerByName(
      fileName, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
   if (!cnt){
      std::cout << "Unable to open or create seis container" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   SeisParam p;
   p.domain = h5geo::Domain::OWT;
   p.lengthUnits = "millimeter";
   p.temporalUnits = "millisecond";
   p.angularUnits = "degree";
   p.dataUnits = "psi";
   p.dataType = h5geo::SeisDataType::PRESTACK;
   p.surveyType = h5geo::SurveyType::TWO_D;
   p.nTrc = 30;
   p.nSamp = 10;
   p.srd = 20;
   p.spatialReference = "EPSG:8139";

   std::string seisName = "mySeis";
   H5Seis_ptr seis(cnt->createSeis(
      seisName, p, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
   if (!seis){
      std::cout << "Unable to open or create seis" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   return 0;

Write/Read data

By analogy with SEGY format H5Seis contains: text header, binary header, traces headers, trace data.

Write/Read text header

std::vector<std::string> txtHdr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 40; i++)
   txtHdr.push_back("Bart Simpson");
if (!seis->writeTextHeader(txtHdr)){
   std::cout << "Unable to write text header" << std::endl;
   return -1;
// another way is to write C-array: 'char txtHdr_c [40][80];'


Text header is a dataset of size [40, 80]. Thus everything outside of this range will be lost.

To read text header:

std::vector<std::string> txtHdr_out =
if (txtHdr_out.size() < 1){
   std::cout << "Unable to read text header" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Write/Read binary header

The simplest way to write binary header is:

// convert 'seconds' to the temporal units of seis object
if (!seis->writeBinHeader("SAMP_RATE", 0.002, "sec", seis->getTemporalUnits())){
   std::cout << "Unable to write samp rate" << std::endl;
   return -1;

and to get it back:

double sampRate = seis->getBinHeader("SAMP_RATE", seis->getTemporalUnits(), "ms");
if (isnan(sampRate))
   std::cout << "Unable to get samp rate" << std::endl;
   return -1;


List of binary header names is available through getBinHeaderNames function declared in h5core_util.h. Header names are consistent to those used in SEGY viewer SeiSee

Write/Read trace headers

There are many functions to do this. Here is one of them:

Eigen::MatrixXd cdp(3);
cdp << 1, 2, 3;
// write starting from 5th trace
if (!seis->writeTraceHeader("CDP", cdp, 5)){
   std::cout << "Unable to write CDP trace header from 5th trace" << std::endl;
   return -1;

and to get it back:

// get 'cdp' trace header from 3 traces starting from 5th trace
Eigen::MatrixXd cdp_out = seis->getTraceHeader("CDP", 5, 3);
if (cdp_out.size() < 1){
   std::cout << "Unable to get CDP trace header">> std::endl;
   return -1;

// update trace header limits is needed when trace headers are written
if (!seis->updateTraceHeaderLimits()){
   std::cout << "Unable to update trace header limits" << std::endl;
   return -1;


List of trace header names is available through getTraceHeaderNames function declared in h5core_util.h. Header names are consistent to those used in SEGY viewer SeiSee


Call updateTraceHeaderLimits everytime when trace header min/max values changed.

Write/Read trace data

Once again there are many functions to do this, here are some:

Eigen::MatrixXd traces(p.nSamp, 3);
Eigen::MatrixXf traces = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(
   seis->getNSamp(), seis->getNTrc());
// write starting from zero's trace
if (!seis->writeTrace(traces, 0)){
   std::cout << "Unable to write traces" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Get traces back:

// from 3rd trace, 10 traces, from 2nd sample, 5 samples
traces_out = seis->getTrace(3, 10, 2, 5);
if (traces_out.size() < 1){
   std::cout << "Unable to get traces">> std::endl;
   return -1;


write/get trace headers and trace data have pretty wide opportunities including trace selection and working with sorted data. Take a look at seis.h to see all them.


The idea behind sorting is to prepare sorting by primary keys (PKey). To accelerate the IO process the user need to add PKey sorting first addPKeySort and then use getSortedData function to retrieve the data. No need to manually resort data, h5geo only keeps indexes and unique values of prepared sortings. In theory this should make work with big data pretty effective.

For example there is widely used sorting CDP-OFFSET (OFFSET is called DSREG in h5geo). Add Pkey CDP and then you are free to retrieve any CDP-... sorted data.

if (!seis->addPKeySort("CDP")){
   std::cout << "Unable to add CDP PKey" << std::endl;
   return -1;

// then you are allowed to use convenient 'getSortedData' function
Eigen::MatrixXf trace_out;
Eigen::MatrixXd trc_header_out;
// from CDP 1 to 2, from DSREG 0 to 500
// 'trc_ind' - contains indexes of selected traces
Eigen::VectorX<size_t> trc_ind = seis->getSortedData(
   trace_out, trc_header_out, {"CDP", "DSREG"}, {1, 0}, {2, 500});


Use updatePKeySort when data was mixed.

Sorting uses parallelization over the threads.


Sorting idea is effetive only if the chosen PKey has many repeating values.

Updating XY boundary around the survey

There is a convenient function to prepare XY boundary around survey. For 3D and 2D prestack data it uses convex hull algorithm. For 2D stack data it simply shows coordinates of traces.

if (!seis->updateBoundary()){
   std::cout << "Unable to update boundary" << std::endl;
   return -1;

To get calculated values:

// returned values (two column array) in 'meters' without coordinate system transformation
Eigen::MatrixXd xy_boundary = getBoundary("m", false);
if (!xy_boundary.size() < 1){
   std::endl << "Unable to get boundary" << std::endl;
   return -1;


Reading SEGY is pretty simple:

if (!seis->readSEGYTextHeader("file.sgy")){
   std::cout << "Unable to read segy text header" << std::endl;
   return -1;
if (!seis->readSEGYBinHeader("file.sgy")){
   std::cout << "Unable to read segy binary header" << std::endl;
   return -1;
// SEGY files will be concatenated
if (!seis->readSEGYTraces({"file1.sgy", "file2.sgy", "file3.sgy"})){
   std::cout << "Unable to read segy binary header" << std::endl;
   return -1;


To read SEGY files h5geo uses memory-mapping technique and parallelization over the threads (OpenMP library). Thus it should work pretty fast but there is a limitation with memory-mapping: the SEGY files should be on the PC’s hard drive. See more on wiki.


The user may want not to spend time on reading SEGY file but simply map it. In h5geo you are allowed to do this at H5Seis creation time:

SeisParam p_mapped = p;
p_mapped.mapSEGY = true;
p_mapped.segyFiles = {"file1.sgy", "file2.sgy", "file3.sgy"};

std::string mappedSeisName = "seisMapped";
H5Seis_ptr seisMapped(cnt->createSeis(
   mappedSeisName, p_mapped, h5geo::CreationType::OPEN_OR_CREATE));
if (!seisMapped){
   std::cout << "Unable to open or create mapped seis" << std::endl;
   return -1;

Then you are free to use it as with regular seis object but with some limitations:

  • probably it is impossible to resize file

  • data loss when writing to trace headers and binary header (double is casted to int and short)

  • only SEGY ieee-32 format are supported